Building a Winning Startup Culture: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

In the bustling streets of Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, and Surat, a revolution is brewing. It's not just about cutting-edge tech or disruptive business models...

Building Strategic Partnerships- Leveraging Collaborations for Startup Growth

In the dynamic landscape of India's startup ecosystem, the adage "united we stand, divided we fall" has never rung truer. As young ventures navigate...

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Advance Tax isn’t applicable to senior citizen with no income from business/profession

As per section 208 every person whose estimated tax liability for the year exceeds Rs. 10,000, shall pay his tax in advance in the form...

ITAT e-filing Portal to go live on 21 June 2021

ITAT has announced that e-filing portal will be launched for filing of appeal before the Income tax appellate tribunal.It has been mentioned that e-filing...

A guide to depreciation rates for AY 2021-22

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Where department has accepted repayment of loan in subsequent year, no addition can be made in current year on account of cash credit.

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