In the bustling startup ecosystem of India, where innovation thrives and entrepreneurial spirits soar, the journey from concept to a successful venture is both...
In the dynamic landscape of India's startup ecosystem, mastering financial forecasting is crucial for early-stage ventures. This skill not only helps entrepreneurs towards the...
Are you an applicant registered under Section 12A and 80G or Section 12AA? (i.e Trust/Societies/Hospitals, etc.). Then you need to obtain fresh registration in...
view of the adverse circumstances arising due to the severe Covid-19 pandemic
and also in view of the several requests received from taxpayers, tax consultants
Penalty on Concealment of particulars of income or furnishing inaccurate particulars of income has always been a matter of litigation between the department and...
What is VC?
VC stands for ‘Video Conferencing’. Using the VC facility, an assessee is enabled to express or submit one’s response orally before an Income...
What is Virtual CFO?
Virtual CFO (or vCFO for short) stands for virtual Chief financial officer. A virtual CFO is an outsourced service provider offering high skill assistance in...