In the bustling streets of Bengaluru, a bootstrapped SaaS startup recently secured ₹5 crores without diluting a single share. In Mumbai, a D2C brand...
A. Facts
In view of the judgment of the apex court, dated 22.09.2017, in case of another dealer, Addl. Commissioner issued revision notice on 06.11.17...
“Question: Hey! What is your Tax History?
Are you compliant and paying Income tax properly??
Tax Payers (before): I do pay taxes regularly, but I
need to...
LLPs registered under Limited Liability Act, 2008 have to annually
file two forms Form 11 and Form 8.
Annual Return: Form 11 is to be
submitted within 60 days of closure of...
Microfinance is a specific business category of services, which includes microcredit. Micro-credit is a loan service to poor clients. Micro-credit is one of the...