In the bustling streets of Bengaluru, a bootstrapped SaaS startup recently secured ₹5 crores without diluting a single share. In Mumbai, a D2C brand doubled its revenue using inventory financing. Welcome to the new...
For many young entrepreneurs, the journey from a college dorm room to a thriving startup with its own office is a dream come true. However, this journey is not without its challenges, especially when...
As a Chartered Accountant (CA) student, you possess a unique set of skills and knowledge that can be invaluable in the startup world. The path from CA student to startup Chief Financial Officer (CFO)...
In the labyrinth of Indian taxation, tax scrutiny stands as a defining moment for businesses and individuals alike. Through the lens of real-world cases, we unravel the intricate process of tax scrutiny, offering invaluable...
In recent years, financial technology (fintech) has revolutionized the way people manage their money. Among the many innovations reshaping personal finance, gamification stands out as a powerful tool driving user engagement. Gamification, the use...
Launching a startup is a thrilling journey, but the path is fraught with challenges, especially when it comes to finances. Many promising ventures fail not because of a lack of vision or effort, but...
Three key concepts in the share market often discussed for stock liquidity and volatility are Free Float, Restricted Shares, and Closely Held Shares. Each plays a distinct role in the dynamics of stock markets and...
An emergency fund is a crucial aspect of personal finance that often gets overlooked. It’s more than just a savings account; it’s a financial safety net designed to protect you from life's unexpected twists....