The Enforcement Directorate (ED) had set the stage for a high-profile showdown, summoning Bollywood's elite, including Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, and other luminaries, to unravel the mystery behind the Mahadev betting scandal. With the...
On 1st February, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman introduced the Interim Budget 2024 in Parliament. An important feature is the deadline for the incorporation of Startup LLP/Company to qualify for the Section 80IAC exemption under...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ambitious Make in India campaign in 2014, envisioning the transformation of the country into a global manufacturing powerhouse. This initiative aims to boost employment, foster innovation, enhance...
On January 31, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) via its press release note, ordered Paytm Payments Bank (herein thereafter referred to as “the bank”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of fintech major Paytm, to stop...
In today’s modern world, consumers are inundated and continuously exposed to trademarks in everyday life. Consider the terms Band-aid, Jacuzzi, Super-glue, Pampers, and Chapstick, to name but a few; consumers subconsciously regard these trademarks...
On 2nd September,2021, RBI launched Account
aggregators system, Account Aggregator (AA) network, a financial data-sharing
system that is aimed to revolutionize investing and credit, giving
millions of consumers greater access and control over their financial records
and expanding...
Most business owners and professionals
wish to achieve skyrocket sales and exceptional customer service. Do you have a
growing number of orders that are not fulfilled on time? How would you decide
which shipping aggregator is best...
A big relief to the taxpayers has been provided by the finance ministry to the taxpayers by extending the due dates. It was much needed as the new portal has a lot of glitches...