
Key Highlights of Union Budget 2021

The Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs, Nirmala Sitharaman, presented the first-ever digital budget for 2021-22 on February 1, 2021. The total budget outlay earmarked is 34.83Lakh Crore for the year 2021-22, which...

What is the best strategy for hedging the Future with an Option?

Please note that hedging Futures’ Risk with options depends on market situation, your risk taking capacity and the amount of your investment. Generally, people believe if you Long or Buy Futures it can be hedged with Long Put or...

How to start investment afresh during COVID-19 ? Learn about Index Long Term Strategy.

There are 5000 + companies listed on BSE and to choose a good company from so many companies for long term becomes very difficult as the future is always uncertain. There is always a risk associated...

Index funds – Here’s why they’re a smart investment.

Index funds, created by John Clifton Bogle almost 45 years ago as a way for everyday investors to compete with the pros. Index funds are a form of passive investing which is an investing technique that...

Covid-19: Bankruptcy Dominoes

As on 10th of May 2020, there are around 4.06 million reported cases of coronavirus confirmed all around the globe, costing humanity as many as 280’K lives. And, looking forward it looks like the...

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